
Cloud Mac Service

We will be using assorted software and programming tools in this module. This page will link to resources for the software and tools.





The Moodle page for this module is the key information source. It will have the assessment brief, deadlines, submission information and assessment feedback.

If there are any contradictions between Moodle and other sources the Moodle information should be considered correct.


The content for the module will be provided through the IOS Games webpage Moodle isn’t suitable for presenting the information, videos and tutorials required. There is a link to the webpage on Moodle.


eMail is the primary communication method for this module. Please check your email each week day so we can update you on any changes. I advise checking your email shortly before any timetabled session in case of changes.

The best way to contact me is via email. You can also message me through MS Teams.

Microsoft Teams

MS Teams will be used for all face to face contact. Lab/tutorial session will be run as live MS Teams sessions. Please install MS Teams on your machines if you can, the web version is limited and a bit flaky.