Mechanics, Dynamics and Aesthetics

The MDA framework was proposed in “MDA: A Formal Approach to Game Design and Game Research” by Robin Hunicke, Marc LeBlanc and Robert Zubeck (2004). (Available here)

Elements of MDA

MDA considers games using three elements.

  • Mechanics - The particular components of the game at the level of data representation and algorithms.
  • Dynamics - The runtime behaviour of the mechanics acting on player inputs and each other’s outputs over time.
  • Aesthetics - The desirable emotional responses evoked in the player when they interact with the game system.


MDA proposes that designers and players view games from different directions.

MDA Perspectives. Designer and Player

Designers should first consider the aesthetic feelings that they want players to experience, then consider the dynamic play that will engender these aesthetics. Finally they create mechanics that will lead to these dynamics.
Players first read the rules of the game (mechanics), these rules lead to dynamic play, the dynamics engender aesthetic feelings.