The One-Sheet

The one-sheet is a simple overview of the game. A variety of people may read it so it needs to be interesting, informative and short. It should be light on technical details and contain easy to follow descriptions.
It should contain all the following

  • Game title
  • Intended game systems
  • Target players (age, type)
  • Target rating (ESRB, PEGI, NNFC)
  • A summary of the game’s story, focusing on game play
  • Describe any distinct modes of gameplay
  • Unique selling points
  • Competitive products

Unique Selling Points are the types of things usually found in bullet points in the advertising blurbs for games - “a billion different weapons!”, “100 hours of game play!”, etc.

Competitive Products are other games that are similar to yours in one way or another.


One Sheet Example One Sheet Example