
Particle Effects

This background is pretty dull and completely static. We can create the illusion that we are moving along it using a particle effect. These particle effects are build in to SpriteKit and quick and eacy to use.

  1. Create a new file, select SpriteKit Particle Effect
  2. Select the Snow template
  3. Call the file Mud.sks
  4. You should see the particle editor on screen. On the right is the attributes inspector.
  5. We need to change the attributes to better suit our requirements
    1. We want the particles to move from right to left so change Angle Start to 180 and Angle Range to 0
    2. We want them to start on the right hand side of the screen so change Position Range X to 0 and Position Range Y to 768
    3. We don’t want gravity to affect the particles so change Acceleration Y to 0
    4. Change Lifetime Start to 12 so the particles have time to cross the screen
    5. We want them to move quickly and all at the same speed so change Speed Start to 800 and Speed Range to 0
    6. We want the particles to be bigger. Change the Scale Start to 2 and the Scale Range to 0.5
    7. Change Emitter Birthrate to 250, we want to fill the screen
    8. Change the Alpha Start to 0.2 and the Alpha Range to 0.2
    9. Click the white colour circle next to the colour ramp so we can set an appropriate colour
    10. Click the crayon icon at the top right of the pop up screen (see image below) and select the brown crayon.
    11. Return to the particle attributes and set the Color Blend Range to 0.3 so we get a range of shades
  6. Return to the GameScene code

Particle Attributes

Particle Attributes

Scroll down to see the colour ramp.

Colour Ramp

Crayon color selector.

Colour Selector

GameScene code

The attributes set above are a good start but if we want to be able to deal with any screen size we need to modify some figures at run time to match the screen size.

Update your GameScene didMove() method by adding the lines below immeadiately after addChild(background)

if let particles = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "Mud") {
  particles.position.x = self.frame.size.width
  particles.position.y = self.frame.size.height/2
  particles.particlePositionRange.dy = self.frame.size.height

Note particle effects are very intensive in the simulator. You may wish to turn it off while working on the game.